Public Member Functions | |
def | __defaults__ (self) |
def | compute (self, conditions) |
def | compute_stream_thrust (self, conditions) |
def | size (self, conditions) |
def | size_stream_thrust (self, conditions) |
Public Attributes | |
tag | |
bypass_ratio | |
compressor_nondimensional_massflow | |
reference_temperature | |
reference_pressure | |
number_of_engines | |
design_thrust | |
mass_flow_rate_design | |
SFC_adjustment | |
![]() | |
inputs | |
outputs | |
![]() | |
tag | |
mass_properties | |
origin | |
symmetric | |
![]() | |
tag | |
origin | |
generative_design_max_per_vehicle | |
generative_design_characteristics | |
generative_design_special_parent | |
A class that handles computation of thrust and other outputs for a gas turbine engine. Assumptions: Perfect gas Source:
def SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Thrust.Thrust.__defaults__ | ( | self | ) |
This sets the default value. Assumptions: None Source: N/A Inputs: None Outputs: None Properties Used: N/A
Reimplemented from SUAVE.Components.Energy.Energy_Component.Energy_Component.
def SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Thrust.Thrust.compute | ( | self, | |
conditions | |||
) |
Computes thrust and other properties as below. Assumptions: Perfect gas Source: Inputs: conditions.freestream. isentropic_expansion_factor [-] (gamma) specific_heat_at_constant_pressure [J/(kg K)] velocity [m/s] speed_of_sound [m/s] mach_number [-] pressure [Pa] gravity [m/s^2] conditions.throttle [-] (.1 is 10%) self.inputs. fuel_to_air_ratio [-] total_temperature_reference [K] total_pressure_reference [Pa] core_nozzle. velocity [m/s] static_pressure [Pa] area_ratio [-] fan_nozzle. velocity [m/s] static_pressure [Pa] area_ratio [-] number_of_engines [-] bypass_ratio [-] flow_through_core [-] percentage of total flow (.1 is 10%) flow_through_fan [-] percentage of total flow (.1 is 10%) Outputs: self.outputs. thrust [N] thrust_specific_fuel_consumption [N/N-s] non_dimensional_thrust [-] core_mass_flow_rate [kg/s] fuel_flow_rate [kg/s] power [W] Specific Impulse [s] Properties Used: self. reference_temperature [K] reference_pressure [Pa] compressor_nondimensional_massflow [-] SFC_adjustment [-]
def SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Thrust.Thrust.compute_stream_thrust | ( | self, | |
conditions | |||
) |
Computes thrust and other properties as below. Assumptions: Source: Heiser, William H., Pratt, D. T., Daley, D. H., and Unmeel, B. M., "Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion", 1994 Chapter 4 - pgs. 175-180 Inputs: conditions.freestream. isentropic_expansion_factor [-] specific_heat_at_constant_pressure [J/(kg K)] velocity [m/s] speed_of_sound [m/s] mach_number [-] pressure [Pa] gravity [m/s^2] conditions.throttle [-] (.1 is 10%) self.inputs. fuel_to_air_ratio [-] total_temperature_reference [K] total_pressure_reference [Pa] core_nozzle. velocity [m/s] static_pressure [Pa] area_ratio [-] fan_nozzle. velocity [m/s] static_pressure [Pa] area_ratio [-] number_of_engines [-] bypass_ratio [-] flow_through_core [-] percentage of total flow (.1 is 10%) flow_through_fan [-] percentage of total flow (.1 is 10%) Outputs: self.outputs. thrust [N] thrust_specific_fuel_consumption [N/N-s] non_dimensional_thrust [-] core_mass_flow_rate [kg/s] fuel_flow_rate [kg/s] power [W] Properties Used: self. reference_temperature [K] reference_pressure [Pa] compressor_nondimensional_massflow [-]
def SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Thrust.Thrust.size | ( | self, | |
conditions | |||
) |
Sizes the core flow for the design condition. Assumptions: Perfect gas Source: Inputs: conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound [m/s] (conditions is also passed to self.compute(..)) self.inputs. bypass_ratio [-] total_temperature_reference [K] total_pressure_reference [Pa] number_of_engines [-] Outputs: self.outputs.non_dimensional_thrust [-] Properties Used: self. reference_temperature [K] reference_pressure [Pa] total_design [N] - Design thrust
def SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Thrust.Thrust.size_stream_thrust | ( | self, | |
conditions | |||
) |
Sizes the core flow for the design condition. Assumptions: Perfect gas Source: Heiser, William H., Pratt, D. T., Daley, D. H., and Unmeel, B. M., "Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion", 1994 Chapter 4 - pgs. 175-180 Inputs: conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound [m/s] (conditions is also passed to self.compute(..)) self.inputs. bypass_ratio [-] total_temperature_reference [K] total_pressure_reference [Pa] number_of_engines [-] Outputs: self.outputs.non_dimensional_thrust [-] Properties Used: self. reference_temperature [K] reference_pressure [Pa] total_design [N] - Design thrust