SUAVE  2.5.2
An Aerospace Vehicle Environment for Designing Future Aircraft

Components are classes that represent objects that are put together to form a vehicle. More...


 This is the component that defines the template for vehicle configurations.
 Cost component.
 Components used in energy networks.
 Components traditionally considered to be the fuselage of a vehicle.
 Landing Gear
 Components considered are the Main and Nose Landing Gear.
 Components traditionally considered to be the fuselage of a vehicle.
 These typically contain the primary payload of the vehicle.
 Available payload
 These are the components which define a vehicle's onboard systems.


class  SUAVE.Components.Component.Component
class  SUAVE.Components.Component.Container
class  SUAVE.Components.Envelope.Envelope
class  SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body.Lofted_Body
class  SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body.Segment
class  SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body.Section
class  SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body.Section_Container
class  SUAVE.Components.Mass_Properties.Mass_Properties
class  SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component.Physical_Component
class  SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component.Container

Detailed Description

Components are classes that represent objects that are put together to form a vehicle.

They contain default variables and may contain functions that operate on these variables.


Modified: Feb 2016, T. MacDonald Modified: Feb 2020, M. Clarke