SUAVE  2.5.2
An Aerospace Vehicle Environment for Designing Future Aircraft

Provides structural and component weight correlations for general aviation aircraft. More...


def SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.General_Aviation.empty.empty (vehicle)
def SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.General_Aviation.fuselage.fuselage (S_fus, Nult, TOW, w_fus, h_fus, l_fus, l_ht, q_c, V_fuse, diff_p_fus)
def SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.General_Aviation.landing_gear.landing_gear (landing_weight, Nult, strut_length_main, strut_length_nose)
def SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.General_Aviation.payload.payload (TOW, empty, num_pax, wt_cargo, wt_passenger=225.*Units.lbs, wt_baggage=0.)
def (W_uav, V_fuel, V_int, N_tank, N_eng, l_fuselage, span, TOW, Nult, num_seats, mach_number, has_air_conditioner=1)
def SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.General_Aviation.tail_horizontal.tail_horizontal (S_h, AR_h, sweep_h, q_c, taper_h, t_c_h, Nult, TOW)
def SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.General_Aviation.tail_vertical.tail_vertical (S_v, AR_v, sweep_v, q_c, taper_v, t_c_v, Nult, TOW, t_tail, rudder_fraction=0.25)
def SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.General_Aviation.wing_main.wing_main (S_wing, m_fuel, AR_w, sweep_w, q_c, taper_w, t_c_w, Nult, TOW)

Detailed Description

Provides structural and component weight correlations for general aviation aircraft.

Function Documentation

◆ empty()

def SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.General_Aviation.empty.empty (   vehicle)
output = SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.Tube_Wing.empty(engine,wing,aircraft,fuselage,horizontal,vertical)
    Computes the empty weight breakdown of a General Aviation type aircraft  
        engine - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
            thrust_sls - sea level static thrust of a single engine [Newtons]

        vehicle - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
            reference_area                                                            [meters**2]
            envelope - a data dictionary with the fields:
                ultimate_load - ultimate load of the aircraft                         [dimensionless]
                limit_load    - limit load factor at zero fuel weight of the aircraft [dimensionless]
            mass_properties - a data dictionary with the fields:
                max_takeoff   - max takeoff weight of the vehicle           [kilograms]
                max_zero_fuel - maximum zero fuel weight of the aircraft    [kilograms]
                cargo         - cargo weight                                [kilograms]
            passengers - number of passengers on the aircraft               [dimensionless]
            design_dynamic_pressure - dynamic pressure at cruise conditions [Pascal]
            design_mach_number      - mach number at cruise conditions      [dimensionless]
            networks - a data dictionary with the fields: 
                keys           - identifier for the type of network; different types have different fields
                        thrust_sls - sealevel standard thrust                               [Newtons]             
                        rated_power - maximum rated power of the internal combustion engine [Watts]
                number_of_engines - integer indicating the number of engines on the aircraft

            wt_cargo - weight of the bulk cargo being carried on the aircraft [kilograms]
            num_seats - number of seats installed on the aircraft [dimensionless]
            ctrl - specifies if the control system is "fully powered", "partially powered", or not powered [dimensionless]
            ac - determines type of instruments, electronics, and operating items based on types: 
                "short-range", "medium-range", "long-range", "business", "cargo", "commuter", "sst" [dimensionless]
            w2h - tail length (distance from the airplane c.g. to the horizontal tail aerodynamic center) [meters]
            fuel - a data dictionary with the fields: 
                mass_properties  - a data dictionary with the fields:
                    mass -mass of fuel [kilograms]
                density          - gravimetric density of fuel                             [kilograms/meter**3]    
                number_of_tanks  - number of external fuel tanks                           [dimensionless]
                internal_volume  - internal fuel volume contained in the wing              [meters**3]
            wings - a data dictionary with the fields:    
                wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
                    span                      - span of the wing                           [meters]
                    taper                     - taper ratio of the wing                    [dimensionless]
                    thickness_to_chord        - thickness-to-chord ratio of the wing       [dimensionless]
                    chords - a data dictionary with the fields:
                        mean_aerodynamic - mean aerodynamic chord of the wing              [meters]
                        root             - root chord of the wing                          [meters]
                    sweeps - a data dictionary with the fields:
                        quarter_chord - quarter chord sweep angle of the wing              [radians]
                    mac                       - mean aerodynamic chord of the wing         [meters]
                    r_c                       - wing root chord                            [meters]
                    origin  - location of the leading edge of the wing relative to the front of the fuselage                                      [meters,meters,meters]
                    aerodynamic_center - location of the aerodynamic center of the horizontal_stabilizer relative to the leading edge of the wing [meters,meters,meters]
                horizontal_stabilizer - a data dictionary with the fields:
                    areas -  a data dictionary with the fields:
                        reference - reference area of the horizontal stabilizer                                    [meters**2]
                        exposed  - exposed area for the horizontal tail                                            [meters**2]
                    taper   - taper ratio of the horizontal stabilizer                                             [dimensionless]
                    span    - span of the horizontal tail                                                          [meters]
                    sweeps - a data dictionary with the fields:
                        quarter_chord - quarter chord sweep angle of the horizontal stabilizer                     [radians]
                    chords - a data dictionary with the fields:
                        mean_aerodynamic - mean aerodynamic chord of the horizontal stabilizer                     [meters]         
                        root             - root chord of the horizontal stabilizer             
                    thickness_to_chord - thickness-to-chord ratio of the horizontal tail                           [dimensionless]
                    mac     - mean aerodynamic chord of the horizontal tail                                        [meters]
                    origin  - location of the leading of the horizontal tail relative to the front of the fuselage                                                 [meters,meters,meters]
                    aerodynamic_center - location of the aerodynamic center of the horizontal_stabilizer relative to the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer [meters,meters,meters]
                vertical - a data dictionary with the fields:
                    areas -  a data dictionary with the fields:
                        reference - reference area of the vertical stabilizer         [meters**2]
                    span    - span of the vertical tail                               [meters]
                    taper   - taper ratio of the horizontal stabilizer                [dimensionless]
                    t_c     - thickness-to-chord ratio of the vertical tail           [dimensionless]
                    sweeps   - a data dictionary with the fields:
                        quarter_chord - quarter chord sweep angle of the vertical stabilizer [radians]
                    t_tail - flag to determine if aircraft has a t-tail, "yes"               [dimensionless]

            fuselages - a data dictionary with the fields:  
                fuselage - a data dictionary with the fields:
                    areas             - a data dictionary with the fields:
                        wetted - wetted area of the fuselage [meters**2]
                    differential_pressure  - Maximum fuselage pressure differential   [Pascal]
                    width             - width of the fuselage                         [meters]
                    heights - a data dictionary with the fields:
                        maximum - height of the fuselage                              [meters]
                    lengths-  a data dictionary with the fields:
                        structure - structural length of the fuselage                 [meters]                     
                    mass_properties - a data dictionary with the fields:
                        volume - total volume of the fuselage                         [meters**3]
                        internal_volume - internal volume of the fuselage             [meters**3]
                    number_coach_sets - number of seats on the aircraft               [dimensionless]    
            landing_gear - a data dictionary with the fields:
                main - a data dictionary with the fields:
                    strut_length - strut length of the main gear                      [meters]
                nose - a data dictionary with the fields:
                    strut_length - strut length of the nose gear                      [meters]
            avionics - a data dictionary, used to determine if avionics weight is calculated, don't include if vehicle has none
            air_conditioner - a data dictionary, used to determine if air conditioner weight is calculated, don't include if vehicle has none
        output - a data dictionary with fields:
            wing - wing weight                            [kilograms]
            fuselage - fuselage weight                    [kilograms]
            propulsion - propulsion                       [kilograms]
            landing_gear_main - main gear weight          [kilograms]
            landing_gear_nose - nose gear weight          [kilograms]
            horizonal_tail - horizontal stabilizer weight [kilograms]
            vertical_tail - vertical stabilizer weight    [kilograms]
            systems - total systems weight                [kilograms]
            systems_breakdown - a data dictionary with fields:
                control_systems - control systems weight  [kilograms]
                hydraulics - hydraulics weight            [kilograms]
                avionics - avionics weight                [kilograms]
                electric - electrical systems weight      [kilograms]
                air_conditioner - air conditioner weight  [kilograms]
                furnish - furnishing weight               [kilograms]
                fuel_system - fuel system weight          [ kilograms]
       Wing, empannage, fuselage, propulsion and individual systems masses updated with their calculated values
        calculated aircraft weight from correlations created per component of historical aircraft

◆ fuselage()

def SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.General_Aviation.fuselage.fuselage (   S_fus,
    Calculate the weight of a fuselage for a GA aircraft
    Source: Raymer: Aircraft Design, a Conceptual Approach (pages 460-461 in 4th edition)
        S_f - fuselage wetted area                          [meters**2]
        Nult - ultimate load of the aircraft                [dimensionless]]
        TOW - maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft        [kilograms]
        w_fus - width of the fuselage                       [meters]
        h_fus - height of the fuselage                      [meters]
        l_fus - length of the fuselage                      [meters]
        l_ht  - length of tail arm                          [meters]
        q_c    - dynamic pressure at cruise                 [Pascals] 
        V_fuse - volume of pressurized cabin                [meters**3]
        diff_p_fus - Maximum fuselage pressure differential [Pascals]

        weight - weight of the fuselage [kilograms]
        fuselage for a general aviation type aircraft

◆ landing_gear()

def SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.General_Aviation.landing_gear.landing_gear (   landing_weight,
    Calculate the weight of the landing gear

    Source: Raymer- Aircraft Design: a Conceptual Approach (pg 460 in 4th edition)
        Nult - ultimate landing load factor
        landing_weight- landing weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
        weight - weight of the landing gear            [kilograms]
        calculating the landing gear weight based on the landing weight, load factor, and strut length 

◆ payload()

def SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.General_Aviation.payload.payload (   TOW,
  wt_passenger = 225.*Units.lbs,
  wt_baggage = 0. 
    Calculate the weight of the payload and the resulting fuel mass
        TOW -                                                    [kilograms]
        wt_empty - Operating empty weight of the aircraft        [kilograms]
        num_pax - number of passengers on the aircraft           [dimensionless]
        wt_cargo - weight of cargo being carried on the aircraft [kilogram]
        wt_passenger - weight of each passenger on the aircraft  [kilograms]
        wt_baggage - weight of the baggage for each passenger    [kilograms]
        output - a data dictionary with fields:
            payload - weight of the passengers plus baggage and paid cargo [kilograms]
            pax - weight of all the passengers                             [kilograms]
            bag - weight of all the baggage                                [kilograms]
            fuel - weight of the fuel carried                              [kilograms]
            empty - operating empty weight of the aircraft                 [kilograms]

◆ systems()

def (   W_uav,
  has_air_conditioner = 1 
output =, ctrl_type, S_h, S_v, S_gross_w, ac_type)
    Calculate the weight of the different engine systems on the aircraft

        Raymer, Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach (pg 461 in 4th edition)

        V_fuel              - total fuel volume                     [meters**3]
        V_int               - internal fuel volume                  [meters**3]
        N_tank              - number of fuel tanks                  [dimensionless]
        N_eng               - number of engines                     [dimensionless]
        span                - wingspan                              [meters]
        TOW                 - gross takeoff weight of the aircraft  [kg]
        num_seats           - total number of seats on the aircraft [dimensionless]
        mach_number         - mach number                           [dimensionless]
        has_air_conditioner - integer of 1 if the vehicle has ac, 0 if not

        output - a data dictionary with fields:
            wt_flt_ctrl - weight of the flight control system [kilograms]
            wt_apu - weight of the apu [kilograms]
            wt_hyd_pnu - weight of the hydraulics and pneumatics [kilograms]
            wt_avionics - weight of the avionics [kilograms]
            wt_opitems - weight of the optional items based on the type of aircraft [kilograms]
            wt_elec - weight of the electrical items [kilograms]
            wt_ac - weight of the air conditioning and anti-ice system [kilograms]
            wt_furnish - weight of the furnishings in the fuselage [kilograms]

◆ tail_horizontal()

def SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.General_Aviation.tail_horizontal.tail_horizontal (   S_h,
    Calculate the weight of the horizontal tail for a General Aviation-type aircraft
        Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach by Raymer (pg 460 in 4th edition)
        S_h  = trapezoidal area of horizontal tail           [meters**2]
        Ar_h = aspect ratio of horizontal tail               [dimensionless]
        sweep_h = quarter chord sweep of the horizontal tail [radians]
        q_c  = dynamic pressure at cruise                    [Pascals]
        weight - weight of the horizontal tail               [kilograms]
        calculated weight of the horizontal tail including the elevator
        Assume that the elevator is 25% of the horizontal tail

◆ tail_vertical()

def SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.General_Aviation.tail_vertical.tail_vertical (   S_v,
  rudder_fraction = 0.25 
    Calculate the weight of the vertical fin of an aircraft without the weight of the rudder and then calculate the weight of the rudder        
        Raymer,  Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach (pg 460 in 4th edition)
        S_v - area of the vertical tail (combined fin and rudder)          [meters**2]
        M_w -mass of wing                                                  [kilograms]
        AR_v -aspect ratio of vertial tail                                 [dimensionless]
        sweep_v - sweep angle of the vertical tail                         [radians]
        q_c - dynamic pressure at cruise                                   [Pascals]
        taper_v - taper ratio of vertical tail                             [dimensionless]
        t_c_v -thickness to chord ratio of wing                            [dimensionless]
        Nult - ultimate load of the aircraft                               [dimensionless]
        TOW - maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft                       [kilograms]
        S_gross_w - wing gross area                                        [meters**2]
        t_tail - flag to determine if aircraft has a t-tail                [dimensionless]
        rudder_fraction - fraction of the vertical tail that is the rudder [dimensionless]
        output - a dictionary with outputs:
            wt_tail_vertical - weight of the vertical fin portion of the vertical tail [kilograms]
        Vertical tail weight is the weight of the vertical fin without the rudder weight.

◆ wing_main()

def SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.General_Aviation.wing_main.wing_main (   S_wing,
    Calculate the weight of the main wing of an aircraft     

        Raymer, Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach (pg 460 in 4th edition)
        S_wing- area of the main wing                                              [meters**2]
        m_fuel - predicted weight of fuel in the wing                              [kilograms]
        AR_w -aspect ratio of main wing                                            [dimensionless]
        sweep_w - quarter chord sweep of the main wing                             [radians]
        q_c - dynamic pressure at cruise                                           [Pascals]
        taper_w - taper ratio of wing                                              [dimensionless]
        t_c_w -thickness to chord ratio of wing                                    [dimensionless]
        Nult - ultimate load of the aircraft                                       [dimensionless]
        TOW - maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft                               [kilograms]
        output - a dictionary with outputs:
            wt_main_wing - weight of the vertical fin portion of the vertical tail [kilograms]