This method uses the DATCOM formula to compute dCL/dalpha without
correlations for downwash of lifting surfaces further ahead on the
aircraft or upwash resulting from the position of the wing on the body.
CAUTION: The method presented here is applicable for subsonic speeds.
May be inaccurate for transonic or supersonic flight. A correction factor
for supersonic flight is included, but may not be completely accurate.
Mach number should not be transonic
wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
effective_apsect_ratio - wing aspect ratio [dimensionless]. If
this variable is not inlcuded in the input, the method will look
for a variable named 'aspect_ratio'.
sweep_le - wing leading-edge sweep angle [radians]
taper - wing taper ratio [dimensionless]
mach - flight Mach number [dimensionless]. Should be a numpy array
with one or more elements.
cL_alpha - The derivative of 3D lift coefficient with respect to AoA
Properties Used: