
SUAVE comes released as a set of project folders ready for learning and exploration.

Please take a few seconds to register with us by filling out the form on the pages linked below. Upon registration, you’ll be redirected to the appropriate distribution of the software. The information we collect is used only for usage statistics by the development team. You’ll only be contacted for notification of critical bug fixes and major releases. To get more involved in growing the community, definitely check out the forum. Your support is greatly appreciated, it let’s us build a better tool for everyone!

Stable Release

Download the latest stable release of SUAVE:
SUAVE Version 2.5.0


We want SUAVE to grow with the community, so it’s available under a
LGPL 2.1 License.

Please contact us if you are interested in re-publishing SUAVE source code as part of a commercial software.


We also update our tutorials repository with every release to show new users some of the capabilities and how to use the code. The tutorial files can be found here. If you would like to use these, you may either follow the Github download instructions on the develop page, but using, or you can download the files as a .zip using the “clone or download” button on the Tutorials Github page.


SUAVE is developed primarily on Python 3. It’s known to work on versions 3.6 and above . Let us know if you find that it works on additonal versions.

We strongly recommend using a scientific python distribution like Anaconda or Enthought-Canopy. All the package dependencies like scipy and numpy will come pre-packaged and stuff will just work.

If you don’t have access to a scientific python distribution, you can install the dependent packages separately. Check out the specific dependencies for more information

Simple Setup

Once you’ve downloaded the code and prepared the software requrements, you’re ready to install it into python!

  1. Download and extract the release archive
  2. Open the directory SUAVE/trunk
  3. Open a command prompt in that directory
  4. Run this command: python3 install
    If you are on a linux or mac, you may need to run
    sudo python3 install
  5. Change to any other folder, open a python shell, and test the new module with the command import SUAVE

If all goes well, you are now able to import SUAVE into your python projects. If you’ve downloaded the tutorials as well, check out the guides for examples on using thems!

After trying out the guides you may find you want to make changes to the innards of the package to fit your problem, take a look at the develop notes for how to set this up.

Have fun!

If you had trouble installing or need to uninstall, there are some more tips ahead.


Below are the packages that SUAVE expects in order to run the tutorial cases. There are links to guides on using package managers for linux and mac, and python installers for windows. If these fail, check out the source forge links for additional installers or source code.

package link
numpy linux, mac, windows, source
scipy linux, mac, windows, source
matplotlib linux, mac, windows, source
pip linux, mac, windows
scikit-learn linux, mac, windows
plotly linux, mac, windows

Note: For the windows installers, you can pick the latest version, for Python 3.6, for your architecture (32 or 64bit), and for numpy pick the MKL version (it’s faster).
Note: The pip installer above will also install setuptools, a sub-dependency.

Dealing with Write Access

You shouldn’t need this part of the guide, unless you are unable to write-access the python site-packages directory. In that case, you can try these approaches to install SUAVE.

A. Install to local site-packages

This involves the user install option
python3 install --user

B. Start a local site-packages folder

This involves creating a local directory, and setting up your PYTHONPATH environment variable.

  1. Create a local directory.
    For example:
    ~/python-site-packages or
  2. Append this path to PYTHONPATH
    • For Unix operating systems
      • Append this line to your ~/.bashrc file
        export PYTHONPATH = $PYTHONPATH:~/python-site-packages
      • And source the bashrc file
        $ source ~/.bashrc
    • For MacOS operating systems
      • Append this line to your ~/.bash_profile file
        export PYTHONPATH = $PYTHONPATH:~/python-site-packages
      • And source the bashrc file
        $ source ~/.bash_profile
    • For Windows operating systems
      • Open the start menu and type “environ”, this opens the environment variable editor
      • Create or edit the PYTHONPATH “User” environment variable, appending the full path to your custom site-package directory, separating multiple paths with semicolons. For example:
      • After this you’ll need to open a new command line window
  3. Now Install SUAVE
    Using the example of the custom directoy ~/python-site-packages:
    python3 install --prefix=~/python-site-packages

Additional Install Options

Additional setup options, such as overriding the default install location, can be found with the following commands:
python3 install --help
python3 uninstall --help
python3 develop --help
python3 --help


SUAVE requires pip to uninstall. An alternate approach is provided further below if pip is not available.

Un-Installation with pip:

  1. Navigate to the SUAVE/trunk directory by command line.
  2. Run the uninstall command. (On unix platforms, these commands may require a sudo (‘super-user-do’) call.)
    python3 uninstall

Alternate Approach:

Use this if you don’t have the pip package.

  1. Find your site-packages folder. Your site-packages folder is typically located in your python’s install directory, unless you manually created it. You can find it by using the following commands.
    $ python3
    >>> import site
    >>> site.getsitepackages()

  2. Manually delete any file including the name “SUAVE”.
    You may also check the file “easy_install.pth”, if it exists, for references to the SUAVE package, and delete them. Never said this would be pretty… However it is a typical uninstall process for python packages.